Client Marriot International
Category Marketing
& Design
Year 2022

Marriott International is a global hospitality company that manages a wide range of hotel brands. The company operates in over 130 countries, with over 7,000 properties worldwide. To promote its various hotel brands and services, Marriott International launched a print advertising camp

  1. To increase brand awareness for Marriott International's hotel brands.
  2. To showcase the unique events and collaborations.
  3. To attract new customers and drive bookings.
  4. To differentiate Marriott International's hotel brands from its competitors

Advertising Strategy: Marriott International's print advertising campaign focused on showcasing the unique features and amenities of each hotel brand. The campaign included full-page print ads in various publications, including travel and lifestyle magazines. The ads featured high-quality photos and copy that highlighted the brand's unique selling points. The ads also included a call-to-action to encourage readers to book a stay at one of Marriott International's hotel brands.

Key Elements:

  1. Visual Storytelling: The ads used high-quality photos to showcase the hotel brands and their amenities. The visuals were designed to capture the attention of readers and communicate the unique features of each brand.
  2. Copywriting: The copywriting focused on highlighting the brand's unique selling points and differentiators. The copy was concise, informative, and engaging, with a clear call-to-action to encourage readers to book a stay.
  3. Targeting: Marriott International targeted publications that were read by its target audience, such as travel and lifestyle magazines. This helped ensure that the ads reached the right people and drove bookings

Marriott International's print advertising campaign was successful in achieving its objectives. The campaign helped increase brand awareness for Marriott International's hotel brands, with the ads reaching a wide audience across various publications. The ads also helped showcase the unique features and amenities of each brand, helping to differentiate Marriott International's hotel brands from its competitors. The campaign also drove bookings, with many readers responding to the call-to-action to book a stay. Overall, the print advertising campaign helped Marriott International promote its hotel brands and attract new customers.